In 2022, UBC is updating its Zero Waste Action Plan (ZWAP2030), first was endorsed by the Board of Governors in 2014.
The ZWAP2030 update will address barriers that have limited progress toward UBC’s zero waste goals to date, more strongly prioritize emissions reductions opportunities such as reuse, and reflect the important linkages with circular economy and UBC’s Climate Action Plan 2030.
Over the next several months, Campus and Community Planning will continue to develop and refine ZWAP strategies and targets and identify the resources needed to ensure successful implementation. The ZWAP2030 planning process is expected to be complete by Fall 2022.
Find out more about UBC’s Campus + Community Planning department’s latest work on the Zero Waste Action Plan.
overall waste diversion rate in 2020 thanks to the use of multi-stream recycling stations and other actions.

Successes To Date
Pursuing our waste reduction targets has required innovation, strategic partnerships, and widespread community support, and we have been committed to achieving the environmental and economic benefits associated with doing so. While there’s much more work to be done, we’re proud of our achievements to date:
- A major expansion of UBC organic waste collection points, doubling composting volume;
- Multi-stream recycling stations have replaced nearly all individual garbage cans, providing access to recycling in virtually all locations;
- Specialty recycling programs and pilots have been expanded, including Styrofoam, soft plastics, single use gloves and amber lab glass;
- The UBC community has embraced zero waste goals and the Sort it Out program, and engagement and interest continues to increase among faculty, students and staff;
- Major construction projects have achieved high levels of waste diversion (88%, very close to the plan’s 90% target), most certified under the LEED green building rating system;
- Installation of a Return-it Express & Go beverage container recycling depot on campus;
- Piloting of waste dumpster sensors is underway, to improve data collection and collection efficiency.
Find out more about UBC’s Campus + Community Planning department’s latest work on the Zero Waste Action Plan.