Thu, January 10, 2013 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM IRVING K. BARBER LEARNING CENTRE. FREE - Please Register. Connect Express workshops explore the 4 quadrants of Connect and provides extensive support as you revise or build your own course. Designed to provide maximum impact, each Connect Express session follows a “learn and apply” model.
Connect Express workshops explore the 4 quadrants of Connect and provides extensive support as you revise or build your own course. Designed to provide maximum impact, each Connect Express session follows a ‘learn and apply’ model.
Delivering Your Course Content is as foundation session that will introduce you to basic best practices for organizing, optimizing, uploading content, and linking to external web content in a Connect course. The course is intended for novice and new users of Connect.
From past experience, we suggest you start with the Delivering Your Course Content workshop. You can review our suggested professional development roadmap at this link:
Location: IKBLC, Fraser River Room 2.27
Contact: Lucas Wright |
Emily Renoe |