Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - 12:30 to 13:30

WEBINAR: Infrastructure Resilience Under Climate Uncertainty

Join Dr. Costa Samaras in a discussion about how infrastructure managers, engineers, researchers, and policymakers can manage uncertainty and ensure climate-safe infrastructure systems for the 21st century and beyond.

Characterizing infrastructure vulnerability to climate change is essential given the long asset lives, criticality of services delivered, and high costs of upgrading and maintaining these systems.




Dr. Costa Samaras is an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Samaras’s research spans energy, climate change, automation, and defence analysis, and he directs the Center for Engineering and Resilience for Climate Adaptation.

He assesses how technology, policy, and infrastructure system designs affect energy use, system resilience to climate change impacts, economic and equity outcomes, and life cycle environmental emissions and other externalities under uncertainty.

He currently serves as the Chair of the ASCE Committee on Adaptation to a Changing Climate and is also an adjunct senior researcher at the RAND Corporation.

Presented as part of Sustainable, Resilient and Equitable Re-Start, an online, bi-weekly seminar series focused on how we can work towards more sustainable, resilient, and equitable restart following the pandemic. A partnership between the University of Victoria Civil Engineering and the UBC Sustainability Initiative, supported by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions.