This project is based on an environmental scan of documents and frameworks related to Indigenous data sovereignty. This research also reviews current Indigenous data partnerships with a range of organizations and identifies some of the challenges and opportunities in a proposed data governance model.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver
Keywords: social sustainability, Indigenous communities 

Hilal Kina

In order to understand how Vancouver's public bikeshare system has supported, and can continue to support in the future, the Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP), this study analyzes over 5 million rides to understand rider behavior and offer insight into future improvements to the system based on these findings. In particular, this study investigates the sustainability and equity benefits of both the introduction of e-bikes as well as of the system overall.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver
Keywords: active transportation, equity, diversity, inclusion transportation 

Madison Lore

This project aimed to bolster clean energy and climate resilience capacity in remote Indigenous communities. By understanding roles, documenting learning options, and identifying gaps it supports BC's CleanBC Remote Community Energy Strategy. This furthers decarbonization, economic growth, and reconciliation goals. The project informs the province's actions on education and skill development, and fostering sustainable, resilient communities in the face of climate challenges.

Partner: Province of BC
Funder: Province of BC
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education, sustainable development & green economy 

Victoria Ibiduni Ibrahim

Green Rainwater Infrastructure (GRI) offers a holistic approach to urban stormwater management that aligns with environmental, social, and economic goals. This project aims to envision a toolkit of GRI typologies suitable for rapid transit station locations, creating a more resilient transit infrastructure that promotes climate change mitigation, rainwater and localized flooding treatment to increase the overall public experience and well-being.  

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: green infrastructure, healthy city, climate resilience, transportation, water 

Yumeng Liu

This project aims to understand regional park visitors' transportation choices and barriers, in order to motivate a shift toward sustainable mode choices. The report offers diverse recommendations to Metro Vancouver in design, service, and programming initiatives, including last-mile connections, bike facilities, intermodal transfers, and narratives in promotion. The study's findings will inform policies for sustainable, eco-friendly transportation, enhancing nature access and quality of life.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Funder: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: social sustainability, transportation 

Yiyang Wang

This study aims to develop a GIS-based urban building stock model for city-scale sustainability assessments in Richmond. It involves refining a database, mapping building energy consumption, and GHG emissions using georeferenced data and archetypes. The pilot phase will assess the feasibility of various energy-efficient measures, including regional energy generation through PV panels, extending the District Energy Utility, and prioritizing rezoning applications for GHG emission reduction.

Partner: City of Richmond
Funder: BC Hydro
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy, urban sustainability 

Yang Li

This report explores the approach to curation of a radio program exploring the Fraser River Estuary. The final program features approximatly 19 hours of audio material, which includes content on biodiversity research, art projects, Indigenous water sovereignty, and economic mega projects. The program is integrated into Other Sights' Currents and Waves radio programming in 2023 and 2024. Short descriptions of the program episodes were created for online promotion and social media.

Partner: Other Sights for Artists' Projects Association
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, sustainability in education, water 

Viola Provost

This project identifies key observations in existing green network spatial data and proposes a habitat classification system to develop efficient and equitable spatial prioritization strategies to enhance the City of Vancouver's ecological health and biodiversity. It maps habitats ranging from large natural forests in parks to small green infrastructure assets in street rights of way and provides recommendations for green interventions that create habitat diversity and connectivity of the green network.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, green network 

Vanessa Amorocho

This project visualizes what a positive climate future could look like for the City of Vancouver through the lens of extreme heat adaptation and water management. The report highlights how climate communication best practices can be applied in a graphic format to increase engagement with City of Vancouver climate change policies and actions. By communicating about climate action, these graphics aim to create a safer, healthier, and more equitable city. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: biodiversity, green buildings, water  

Taylor Legere

This report seeks to address risks associated with unconventional construction materials often used to meet higher Energy Step Code. Focusing on above-ground wall assemblies, the study provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help builders assess the compliance of construction products with the BC Building Code (BCBC). Builders using alternative materials should budget time and resources appropriately.  

Partner: Township of Langley
Funder: BC Hydro
Keywords: green buildings  

Shiva Zargar

To complement the city of New Westminster' efforts to tackle climate change, this project was set in motion to conduct a detailed literature review on the financial and policy tools that local governments have at their disposal. The report analyses tools used by governments worldwide to inform sustainable capital investments. Based on their feasibility, these tools were then were applied to a case study.

Partner: City of New Westminster
Funder: BC Hydro
Keywords: social sustainability, supply chain management & green procurement, sustainable finance, policy action, economics 

Sarthak Kwatra

This project aims to build knowledge and understanding of how families are making trips to and from childcare for the purpose of supporting families in shifting to active modes. Best practices include increasing the convenience of using active modes, embedding child-friendly design in the City of Vancouver, introducing active travel at a young age, and mobilizing women through programs and infrastructure. The report concludes with seven recommendations to increase family active travel in Vancouver.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: active transportation, equity, diversity, inclusion, healthy city, transportation 

Molly Barkowsky

This report contains a summary of recent policies and projects related to Indigenous-led forest carbon offsets and cultural burning. Existing projects might provide useful guidance and support the implementation of cultural burning and carbon offset projects by Xeni Gwet'in First Nation.

Partner: Xeni Gwet'in First Nation Government
Funder: UBC
Keywords: ecological systems, Indigenous sovereignty 

Mike Stefanuk

This project aimed to create a database to compile existing partnerships between First Nations in British Columbia and UBC in relation to climate change. The executive summary includes the main findings of the study and a series of recommendations to strengthen the collaboration between First Nations and UBC in addressing the climate emergency and climate change.

Partner: Indigenous Research Support Initiative (IRSI)
Funder: UBC
Keywords: green buildings, social sustainability, sustainability in education 

Extended report, based on the database prepared for this Sustainability Scholars Project. Co-authored by IRSI staff, Jessica Groat (graduate practicum student), and Michael Monclou: Recommendations for bolstering respectful collaboration between Indigenous partners and UBC to address the climate emergency and climate change

Michael Monclou

This project focuses on collaborating with municipalities (and other stakeholders) across Southern BC to assess crucial areas that could be designated as 'Protected Areas." Southern BC is home to high numbers of species at risk and sensitive ecosystems under threat. This is a great opportunity for municipalities to work towards conserving these natural areas and contribute to the global and national conservation goal of 30 by 30. The process and results of the assessments are documented.

Partner: BC Naturalists' Foundation
Funder: BC Naturalists'  Foundation
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, protected area network 

Maithili Devadas

This study explores how BC's climate policy, particularly the Carbon Neutral Government mandate for public-sector organizations, has influenced climate action at BC universities. A literature review and interviews with employees from the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions partner universities, the City of Vancouver, and the Climate Action Secretariat suggest the mandate no longer drives emissions reductions. This study proposes recommendations for the province to accelerate climate action.

Partner: PICS
Funder: UBC
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, sustainable development & green economy  

Grace Schaan

Beginning with how Western philosophies of land management and agriculture as a tool of colonization have led to our current colonial food systems, Indigenous food sovereignty is suggested as a framework to support the transformation of Vancouver's food system towards a just model for all. New urban agriculture policy should be co-created with local Indigenous partners and include Indigenous values while centring justice at each step.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: biodiversity, food systems, social sustainability  

Grace McCloskey

The Bert Brink Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is one of few remaining undiked floodplain habitats on the Lower Fraser River. Using visualizations this project aims to communicate the importance of floodplain habitat; support Rivershed Society's goal of connecting a movement to protect 30% and to restore 2.4% of the Fraser watershed; communicate the restoration plans for the Bert Brink WMA; and foster a community of support for the restoration of the Bert Brink WMA.  

Partner: Rivershed Society of BC
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, invasive species

Frances Ramsay

This project examines the possibilities for visualizations of flood mitigation interventions in proactive flood management for mainland Coast Salish communities along the Lower Fraser River. Through direct collaboration and site visits, visualizations were created for each community that reflect their unique flood-related risk situations and address the specific functional requirements for the visualizations of each location. Possible co-benefits of interventions were explored where applicable.

Partner: Emergency Planning Secretariat
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: ecological systems, flood mitigation, traditional ecological knowledge 

Connor Budd

This project aims to identify some of the gaps facing First Nations in accessing equitable, reliable, safe, affordable, and low-carbon transportation in BC, with a particular focus on remote communities. It offers recommendations and opportunities for government to close these gaps in relation to low-carbon transportation programs and initiatives. This research contributes to BC Assembly of First Nation's (BCAFN) three-year First Nations Low-Carbon Transportation Project.

Partner: BC Assembly of First Nations
Funder: UBC
Keywords: transportation, Indigenous reconciliation, climate justice 

Charlotte Bull
