This spring, students from a student-directed seminar on sustainability (POLI 328Y) produced robust assessments on three areas of UBC’s actions in sustainability.

These reports were part of the seminar’s Living Lab projects that analyze and evaluate UBC’s performance in order to advance UBC’s commitments to sustainability.

"As a student it is exciting to transform classroom learning into real world impacts, especially when it comes to causes that one is deeply passionate about. This year, several such sustainability enthusiasts came together to do exactly that. We used the lessons from our seminar discussions to create policy reports that propose solutions and improvements to UBC's challenges with managing its greenhouse gas emissions, waste and disposal, and transportation systems. We hope these reports will be taken up by various UBC organizations, such as SHHS and C+CP, to make good on UBC's commitment to sustainability at the campus operations level."

- Student from POLI 328Y, Spring 2021 session

“A highlight of this unique learning experience was the student-led pursuit to grow our understanding of sustainability by using a multidisciplinary lens and engaging with sustainability experts from different industries. It helped visualize the various ways one can be a part of the sustainability movement given the diversity of individual mindsets, skillsets, and specializations. The Student Directed Seminar is a valuable opportunity for all to recognize the power of our collective student action and centrality to transforming the systems and institutions we are a part of.”

- Divija Madhani, Seminar Coordinator 


Greenhouse Gas Emissions [PDF]
Waste Diversion & Disposal [PDF]
Transportation [PDF]



In this student-directed seminar, students learn about proactive ways to address sustainability issues in the economy, society, and environment by using perspectives from Sociology and Political Science. In addition to co-creating their learning experience with passionate peers, students also get to practice real-life data and policy analysis on sustainability topics.

For any questions about this seminar, contact Divija Madhani (she/hers), the seminar coordinator,, or Dr. Emily Huddart Kennedy, the seminar's Faculty Sponsor,