Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
The objective of this project is to facilitate energy retrofits of multi-unit residential buildings...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
The City of Vancouver’s current direction towards greater energy efficiency standards, combined...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Building off the VEC’s success with the Flats Climate Action Program where businesses tackle their...
Climate Change & Energy
Data & Technology
This report provides a high-level introduction to community solar gardens, a concept that has...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
The BC Energy Step Code is a voluntary roadmap that establishes progressive steps to transition to...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Establishing building energy labelling for the multi-family building sector could provide an...
Climate Change & Energy
This report summarizes and compares tools and methodologies used by air quality and climate change...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
The goal of this report is to give UBC Properties Trust (UBCPT) an understanding of energy related...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
This report looks at technical barriers and opportunities for various archetypes of multi-unit...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
The City of Vancouver (City) has put forth ambitious goals to reduce community and operations based...
