The Sticky Pi project is funded in part by UBC’s “Campus as a Living Laboratory” (CLL) program,...
Is a future without waste possible? UBC Sustainability Ambassadors engaged students with live data...
Climate Change & Energy
Data & Technology
Human Well-being & Social Systems
This is a framework for how to measure social capital, with a focus on community mobilization for...
Climate Change & Energy
Data & Technology
Policy, Economics & Governance
This project aims to assess the potential to reduce the embodied carbon emissions of low-rise...
Built Environment & Mobility
Data & Technology
This project aims to review the existing literature on cycling data collection, examine Vancouver's...
Data & Technology
Ecological Systems
This report includes an overview and analysis of a GIS mapping overlay for green rainwater...
Built Environment & Mobility
Data & Technology
Policy, Economics & Governance
This guide provides an overview of compatibility issues associated with industrial land uses,...
Built Environment & Mobility
Data & Technology
Human Well-being & Social Systems
This project aims to research lighting and intersectionality on Vancouver's cycle routes to...
