The Scholars Project Library contents hundreds of reports, charts, tool-kits, and more, documenting the applied research produced since 2011. A useful body of knowledge to support further research around sustainability.

This project aims to improve the health of existing and new street trees in hardscape infrastructure in Vancouver through evaluation of research and best practices, comparison of peer municipal practices and case studies, and analysis of current city trends. Recommendations are provided for Vancouver's existing design and management standards and specifications for below and at-ground practices for existing street trees, newly planted street trees, and current sidewalk and boulevard design.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: climate adaptation, green infrastructure, climate resilience, urban forests

Elliot Bellis

The project aimed to enhance biodiversity conservation messaging in the Fraser Estuary, effectively communicating conservation efforts amidst ongoing biodiversity threats. Its objective is to raise awareness, shape attitudes, and prompt action toward biodiversity conservation in the region. The project outlined a six-step approach to crafting and delivering tailored conservation messages, emphasizing credibility, framing, storytelling, visuals, connections, and co-benefits for diverse audiences.

Partner: Garden City Conservation Society
Funder: UBC
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, leadership & behaviour change 

Qingyang Li

This report examines the relationship between farming practices and shorebird conservation on the Fraser River Delta and globally. It includes a description of shorebird ecology, an outline of the state of shorebird habitat and agricultural land use on the FRD, and an analysis of current research on shorebird conservation. It concludes with research-based recommendations for farming practices to improve habitat for resident and migratory shorebirds on the Fraser River Delta.

Partner: Bird Studies Canada
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, food systems 

Vincent Steinfeld

Energy upgrades and retrofits have been identified as key measures to reduce energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the building sector in Canada. This study aims to assess the cost-effectiveness and environmental impacts of energy-efficient new build construction on the Musqueam Indian Reserve. The findings can help the indigenous community select economical building energy upgrade measures to reduce building energy use and associated GHG emissions.

Partner: Musqueam Indian Band
Funder: BC Hydro
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy 

Haonan Zhang

Southern Resident killer whales are an endangered population of orcas living in the coastal waters of southern British Columbia and Washington state. With only 74 individuals remaining, timely and meaningful action to protect this population is of critical importance. This report identifies the limitations of the Species at Risk Act and argues for expanding Southern Resident killer whale critical habitat into the Fraser River watershed to include Chinook salmon tributaries.

Partner: Raincoast Conservation
Foundation Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, endangered species

Dane Pedersen

This report provides recommendations to the City of Vancouver for an envisioned Green Roof Asset Tracker tool and program that would allow the City to quantify and qualify the benefits of green roofs in Vancouver across diverse categories, including stormwater management, biodiversity support, and climate change mitigation. Recommendations for program operational requirements and features of a public-facing green roof map are made based on a mixed-methods approach involving case studies.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: green infrastructure, land use planning, climate resilience, green buildings, sustainable development & green economy, water 

Emily Edwards

This project reviews passive solutions for addressing overheating and potential barriers for cooling retrofits. Existing multi-family buildings contribute significantly to emissions and exacerbate the impact of extreme weather. To meet 2030 climate goals, prompt retrofitting is vital. The study evaluated options such as behavior change, natural ventilation, green roofs, white roofs, green walls, exterior shading, and window treatments based on effectiveness, ease of retrofit, and cost.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: climate action, low carbon buildings, climate resilience, biodiversity, green buildings 

Atiyeh Baratloo

The Museum of Vancouver leads the Sustainable Arts and Green Ecosystems Project (SAGE). SAGE is a partnership of museums, galleries and theatres collaborating on development of tools to advance sustainability and circular design, construction and de-construction of staged events and exhibitions. This project assesses the sustainability of materials commonly used in staged events: wood paneling, lumber, and paints. These findings will be incorporated into the SAGE Exhibition Planning and Design Toolkit. For information on the full SAGE Project please visit [link].

Partner: Museum of Vancouver
Funder: UBC  
Keywords: green buildings, waste management & recycling 

Arash Khodadad

This project provides recommendations to develop a zero emissions municipal buildings policy for the City of Port Moody through the study and research of similar policies from other municipalities and reports by other public organizations. The project suggests carbon balance calculation as the key framework of the policy, including operational, embodied, construction and avoided carbon emissions in an attempt to record emissions from the whole building life cycle of the municipal buildings.  

Partner: City of Port Moody
Funder: BC Hydro  
Keywords: green buildings, municipal buildings, zero carbon 

Ying Kuk Sonia Tsang

This educational resource is a toolkit for engaging adults in British Columbia and beyond in meaningful, locally situated, and long-term climate action. The resource is comprised of four modules: Building Socio-Emotional Resilience to Engage in Climate Action, Climate Communication, Climate Justice, and Local Problems and Solutions. Each unit is comprised of a variety of information, videos, and activities that engage participants in climate action.

Partner: British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association
Funder: UBC  
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, sustainability in education, climate action

Gabrielle Edwards

The Township of Langley is exploring a shared micromobility pilot program in support of its sustainability and transportation objectives. This report examines the experience of municipal staff involved in similar work in other jurisdictions, explains the perspective of private shared micromobility operators, and profiles some potential pilot program areas. It then makes key recommendations for the design and scoping of any potential shared micromobility pilot program in the Township.

Partner: Township of Langley
Funder: Township of Langley
Keywords: transportation, micromobility, active transportation, e-bike, e-scooter

Ruofan Wang

This project aimed to provide recommendations for cities to implement equitable home energy retrofit programs. As cities increase home energy retrofits, the program outcomes must be fair and just for rental residents, property owners and managers while reducing GHG emissions. We identified various retrofit packages that can reduce emissions and those with the highest impact, especially for equity-deserving groups. Strong laws, transition housing and incentives can ensure equitable program outcomes.

Partner: Integral Group
Funder: BC Hydro
Keywords: energy retrofits, green buildings

Vincent Chireh

This study aims to provide a roadmap for retrofitting existing mid-rise building retrofits in order to understand the required capital investment, energy savings, corresponding energy cost savings, and carbon footprint. The findings can assist policy-makers and other stakeholders in gaining a holistic view of energy retrofits and making better decisions on implementing energy retrofit measures to reduce utility bills and carbon emissions.  

Partner: City of Richmond
Funder: City of Richmond
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Haonan Zhang

The purpose of this project was to undertake foundational research to inform the development of an engagement strategy to support behaviour change of campus community members in Scope 3 priority areas—food, waste, and transportation—on the UBC Okanagan Campus. This report provides an account of the current areas of engagement on campus, a brief review of the literature, existing challenges, and recommended actions moving forward.

Partner: UBC Okanagan
Funder: UBC
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, sustainability in education 

Anjali Desai

The project reviews emissions modeling methods used in the textile and apparel industry to assess environmental impacts of textile waste end-of-life management strategies. Case examples are compared and approaches for performing emissions estimations based on industry standards and guidance are provided. This work contributes to the Textile Lab for Circularity's (TLC) project, Roadmap to Textile Recycling for Western Canada, which aims to inform strategic action planning to enhance textile diversion in the region.

Partner: Canadian Society Promoting Environmental Conservation (SPEC) - Textile Lab for Circularity (TLC)
Funder: UBC
Keywords: supply chain management & green procurement, sustainable development & green economy, waste management & recycling 

Katherine Le

This project aims to provide a high-level assessment of the Vancouver non-profit youth sector. Recognizing the profound issues impacting youth today, the City is entering a new era of engaging with youth and the non-profit youth sector. This project will help City staff to understand the scale of the sector, organizational strengths, factors impacting organizational capacity, and collaboration efforts in the sector.  

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver
Keywords: diversity, inclusion, healthy city, leadership & behaviour change, social sustainability 

Claire Shepansky

This project aims to better understand the impacts of burnout and how to best support mental health in the hybrid/remote workplace. Using the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace to guide the research and after examining UBC's existing programs for wellbeing and hybrid work, this project develops recommendations for better supporting mental health and psychological health and safety in the workplace.  

Partner: UBC Human Resources
Funder: UBC
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, social sustainability 

Nathalie Kroeker

This report explores why life transitions (e.g., starting university, becoming a parent, immigrating, retiring) can serve as effective intervention points to advance low-carbon living. Based on a review of the literature and practice, it highlights 10 elements that make life transitions promising opportunities to take action. This report identifies how to use these moments to support people going through transitions, while encouraging pro-environmental behaviour. 

Partner: OneEarth Living
Funder: UBC
Keywords: climate action, green economy, zero emission vehicles ecological systems, social sustainability, sustainable development & green economy 

Kim St-Pierre

Working Gear is a volunteer-run charity located in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES). They provide workwear, safety gear and services (e.g., haircuts) free of charge to low-income and unemployed individuals as they transition back into the workforce. The purpose of this project was to examine Working Gear's clothing donation program to evaluate its environmental and economic impact. Through a comprehensive literature review, organizational assessment, and the development of an evaluation framework, this project created a valuable tool for other organizations to assess their social and environmental impact. Additionally, the project suggests strategies to enhance Working Gear's initiatives and increase its positive impact on society.

Partner: Working Gear
Funder: UBC
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainable development & green economy, fast fashion, textile industry, clothing recycling, clothing recirculation

Raj Chaudhary

The project examines policies and programs currently in place to promote energy-efficiency retrofits and fuel-switching in residential homes across British Columbia, with a particular focus on effectiveness and equity. After identifying several shortcomings, the study reviews residential sector decarbonization policies implemented in other jurisdictions, as well as those recommended in the academic literature, and proposes policy pathways to advance equitable decarbonization in British Columbia.

Partner: Ecotrust Canada
Funder: Ecotrust Canada
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, building retrofits, equitable decarbonization

Margaryta Pustova
