A leading education institution, the region’s largest employer, and a pseudo-municipality, the University of British Columbia (UBC) boasts a complex campus food system. Achieving sustainability in this sector is key not only to achieving the institution’s own health and environmental goals but affecting change at other levels of government. However, understanding the breadth of this system is challenging. Using an asset mapping methodology, this project visualizes UBC’s food landscape, focusing on what it has and in the process, illuminating gaps.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing
Keywords: food systems, sustainability in education

Wendee Lang

Beverage choices are influenced by the “food environment,” which is characterized by the variety, price and quality of food and beverage options present at the consumer level (National Collaborating Center for Environmental Health, 2015). The UBC Okanagan campus is unique in its setting and food environment. This is a preliminary report on the administration of the Perceptions of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Survey at UBC Okanagan. The final results from this project will inform implementation of a Healthy Beverage Initiative (HBI)  and guide the development of strategies that specifically enhance UBC Okanagan’s environment.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing & UBCO, Voice 4
Keywords: food systems, sustainability in education

Morgan Alford

This literature review explores the concepts of inclusive education and inclusive teaching within the scholarly literature from several different approaches and perspectives to help contribute to building a foundational understanding of what it means to engage in inclusive teaching in a university setting, and more specifically, to help create a shared understanding of what inclusive teaching could mean for the larger project of Inclusive Excellence (IE) at UBC.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing & Student Diversity Initiative
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Michelle Gautreaux

The purpose of the project was to develop a community resilience framework (CRF) and explore the ways in which the Centre for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) at UBC contributes to the various processes, experiences, and outcomes linked to community resilience. The CRF is intended to serve as an assessment tool that can be utilized to facilitate reflexivity and collaboration that will enable the Centre to orient its programming toward building community resilience.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing & Centre for Community Engaged Learning
Keywords: social sustainability

Amber Heckelman

The aim of this project is to identify areas of needed support and build capacity around Teaching Assistant (TA) wellness in departments across UBC. Professional development programs for university-level teaching assistants often don’t included formal lessons on maintaining TA wellness. This gap in training places university level teaching assistants at risk of experiencing more stress and inappropriately addressing teaching related experiences that have a negative impact on their wellness.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing & Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTLT)
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Nicole Malette

The idea for a Community of Practice (CoP) to support UBC student and faculty wellbeing developed in response to faculty members expressing a need to have a platform for sharing knowledge on how they can promote student and faculty wellbeing. Additionally, this CoP acts as an avenue for faculty and staff to engage and develop a sense of community around the topic of wellbeing and show the connection between wellbeing and social sustainability.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing & Dept of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Minnie Teng

UBC Wellbeing operates across both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses with the goal of enhancing the general wellbeing of all students, staff, faculty, and other members of the university community. This project sought to support the implementation of a university-wide Wellbeing Strategy, which focused on several aspects of wellbeing that were identified as key priority areas. The Wellbeing Strategy aims to develop a vision of wellbeing across the campus community to be implemented over the coming years and decades.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Isabella Picui

This report details a project to study the applicability of the WELL Building standard to UBC’s academic context. This project will contribute to UBC’s growing body of information on building design principles that support health and wellbeing, as well as greater understanding of the feasibility of utilizing a health focused building standard tool. The results will be used to inform the development of UBC’s Green Building Plan and further academic research, and support strategies such as the Okanagan Charter and the 20-year Sustainability Strategy. 

Partner: UBC Wellbeing & USI (Urban Innovation Research)
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education, green buildings

Mina Parsian

This report was commissioned to determine the successes and challenges of partner engagement in UBC Thrive. As an annual health promotion initiative, Thrive is aimed at promoting strategies for improving the mental health of students, staff, and faculty. Thrive partners include individuals from various student, staff, and faculty groups and departments.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing & UBC HR
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Nandini Maharaj

Using insights from behavioural and social science research, and best practices in existing programs, this analysis examines different pathways to energy efficiency in the District of West Vancouver. Current trends suggest that energy efficiency programs have been shifting towards the integration of behavioural-based approaches to achieve more significant impact. The recommended behavioural program for the District combines three key dimensions—community-based, outreach and competitions.

Partner: District of West Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, leadership & behaviour change

Reagan Rockzsdfforde

On-demand mobility services have been seen as a way to reduce the cost of transit while improving the customer experience by using technology to request a ride. In 2018, TransLink launched the Bowen Island Pilot Project to test on-demand services. This report serves as a best practice review of on-demand mobility services to assist with future implementation of on-demand service in the Metro Vancouver region. The recommendations in this report are directed towards Bowen Island, BC, but are applicable to other areas with similar characteristics.

Partner: TransLink
Keywords: transportation

Zak Zenasni

A growing number of trips in Metro Vancouver are being taken through shared mobility providers such as bikesharing and carsharing. As these services become ever more present in our cities, and accessed by customers with mobile phones, the travel data generated has been flagged by regulators and transportation authorities as potentially valuable. To date, the data generated from these services has been sporadic and inconsistent. This report summarizes challenges with sharing data and examines several emerging technologies that could be part of a standardized sharing solution.

Partner: TransLink
Keywords: transportation

Rainer Lempert

This project explores the concept of mobility hubs in an effort to implement strategies and initiatives that prioritize low emission transportation modes in the long term. In existing research, mobility hubs are often defined as areas where a variety of sustainable transportation modes connect seamlessly. As such, hubs present an opportunity to integrate mobility options that utilize new transportation technology to help enhance user experience and travel resiliency to help cover first and last mile travel.

Partner: TransLink
Keywords: transportation

Saki Aono

The UBC Food and Nutrition Committee is a diverse group of faculty, staff and students with interest and expertise in food systems and food security. The committee developed an Action Framework for a Nutritionally Sound Campus. To achieve this goal, a literature and best practices review was conducted to inform recommendations for measuring food insecurity prevalence within the UBC community.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing
Keywords: food systems, social sustainability

Sara Kozicky

This project aims to support the Greenest City Action Plan 2020 goals of increasing access to nature and green transportation by enhancing the resiliency of street planting in the face of climate change over the next thirty years. Climate changes in Vancouver will put further stresses on street horticulture assets, in addition to the existing harsh street conditions that these plants are subject to such as air pollution, road salt and low soil volumes. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: access to nature, green transportation, ecological systems

Divine Ndemeye

This project helps the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation to optimize treatment of young ornamental trees planted along streets and parks. Specifically, the recommendations of this report are intended to help decrease transplanting stress and enhance tree health and longevity. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: access to nature, biodiversity, ecological systems

Xueyao (Iris) Jiang

This project investigates how K–12 educators within the Vancouver School Board use the City’s parks and what actions the Park Board and its community partners could take to support their efforts. The study examined which schools and grade levels use the parks, which parks are used most often, which subjects are taught in parks and what kinds of activities occur.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: access to nature, healthy city, ecological systems

Naomi Reichstein

The purpose of this project was to construct an inventory of tailpipe emissions (specifically, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides) from the City of Vancouver’s fleet based on applicable emission standards from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and COV fleet fuel usage data from 2015 to 2017. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: lighter footprint, transportation

Stephen (Wenhao) Chen

This project assembled a toolkit for industrial and commercial on-site use of alternative water sources (rainwater, stormwater, greywater, foundational water, or steam condensate). The toolkit includes current regulations, commercially available systems, steps for system setup, and local case studies. The resources included are based on interviews with local subject experts and businesses, to assess the common water sources, potential water uses, and benefits and obstacles to using nonpotable water for industrial applications.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: clean water, waste management & recycling

Emily Mistick

This project is a collaboration between the Engineering Department and Real Estate Department at the City of Vancouver to gain a better understanding of the typical water use of restaurants and microbreweries. This project aims to support the Greenest City Action Plan’s goal in reducing water consumption by 2020. This report will also be used by the Real Estate Department in determining water operating costs in their tenant lease agreements. This project report summarizes the methodologies used and findings of the water benchmarking study.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: food systems, sustainable development & green economy, water

Kamonchanok Sirikan
