Production, Consumption & Waste
The project reviews emissions modeling methods used in the textile and apparel industry to assess...
Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
Working Gear is a volunteer-run charity located in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES). They...
Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
This project aims to understand how to motivate climate action from people concerned about climate...
Production, Consumption & Waste
Free workshop to give new life to old clothing, towels, and sheets! Stop by the Nest with your...
UBC’s new “Pathways to Net-zero Carbon in Buildings” project seeks to break down barriers and pilot...
Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
Celebrate a year of sustainability and climate leadership at the UBC Vancouver campus and honour...
Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
By making more informed food purchasing decisions on campus, we can all help create a more climate-...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
The overarching aim of this project was to characterize human and environmental health concerns...
