Data & Technology
Ecological Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
This study compares an alternate test method (adenosine triphosphate, ATP) with the current method...
Is a future without waste possible? UBC Sustainability Ambassadors engaged students with live data...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
Mindful consumption is the practice of using awareness of sustainability issues to inform...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Natural Resources
Production, Consumption & Waste
** FREE ONLINE EVENT** Live talk from Aja Barber about her new book Consumed: The Need for...
Starting Feb 7, 2022, the Sustainability Hub will host Sustainable Fashion Week - a week long...
Policy, Economics & Governance
Production, Consumption & Waste
This project aims to investigate entry pathways of pharmaceuticals into Metro Vancouver wastewater...
Built Environment & Mobility
Ecological Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
This project examines whether Metro Vancouver’s residuals (biosolids and drinking water treatment...
Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
Energy conservation plays a key role in reducing climate change. Unfortunately, energy conservation...
Built Environment & Mobility
Policy, Economics & Governance
Production, Consumption & Waste
Demolitions of homes built after 1970 are expected to increase in Metro Vancouver. This study aims...
