The Sustainability Teaching Resource Library contains around 100 reports, toolkits, multimedia and more, to support faculty creating and updating teaching materials. Curated and maintained by the Sustainability Hub to advance sustainability teaching and learning at UBC.

This toolkit is designed for use by educators to empower students to think critically about the structural and socio-political inequities that affect them while centering climate change and mental health through embedded reflective exercises

Keywords: Climate Change, Plantery Health, Mental Health
Link to Resource:

Toolkit and Guides
Natania Abebe

Many of these case studies focus on topics in sustainability, but they also include cases on other topics that benefit from an interdisciplinary approach.  

Keywords: Forestry, Social Justice, Conservation
Link to resource:

Case Studies
Open Case Studies UBC

The Climate-Kind Pedagogy framework offers an interdisciplinary approach to climate education that goes beyond Western ideologies and embraces alternative worldviews for effective and inclusive climate education. The aim of the project is to establish an adaptable framework and toolkit for educators to increase learner engagement with and awareness of the climate emergency.

Partner: UBC Sustainability Hub
Funder: UBC
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, social sustainability, sustainability in education 

Zahira Tasabehji

This project aims to create a novel pedagogical framework designed to address the climate crisis through kindness and compassion for the planet and one another. By documenting successful teaching pedagogies in both climate education and kindness education, this novel pedagogy synthesizes a vast body of educational research in an effort to create actionable strategies for teachers. This novel pedagogical framework was infused into EDCP 349, a B.Ed. course at the University of British Columbia. 

Partner: UBC
Funder: UBC Sustainability Hub
Keywords: sustainability in education 

Henry Johnston
