Production, Consumption & Waste
Did you know that over 80% of waste at UBC can be recycled or composted? Use this interactive...
Production, Consumption & Waste
mugshare is an easy-to-use alternative to disposable, single-use coffee cups. It works on a...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance
Production, Consumption & Waste
Policy, Economics & Governance
Production, Consumption & Waste
Looking for professional work experience? Want to make a difference in the community? Join us at...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Production, Consumption & Waste
UBC places sustainability at the heart of teaching, learning and research, operations and...
Production, Consumption & Waste
Students can apply to become a member of the Zero Waste Squad at UBC. Please make sure you read the...
Climate Change & Energy
Production, Consumption & Waste
Welcome to the Zero Waste Squad at UBC! As a member of this dedicated team, you have the unique...
Climate Change & Energy
Production, Consumption & Waste
At UBC, we work together as a community to meet our sustainability goals. Find out some of the ways...
Production, Consumption & Waste
Test your knowledge of waste sorting on campus by playing the Sort it Out Game. Play the game now...
Production, Consumption & Waste
Plastics don’t belong in the food scraps bin. Please do your part and Sort It Out.
